UK airlines comment on new international travel legislation

Responding to new Government legislation covering international travel, Tim Alderslade, Chief Executive of Airlines UK, the industry association representing UK-registered carriers, said:

“Nothing has changed with this legislation, the Government has been clear all along that it will report on 12 April its intent to restart international travel from 17 May, and airlines are busy working with Ministers through the Global Travel Taskforce to set out the criteria and framework that will enable this to happen safely. A tiered system, based on risk and adaptable to changing circumstances with the virus, means travel can resume this summer, and all our focus will remain on agreeing the structure that can make this a reality.”  


The Secretary of State has the power to review the need for the legislation from 12 April onwards to restart travel. It says he will do so on 12 April and must do so at least once every 35 days from them.

UK airlines comment on international travel speculation

Responding to ongoing speculation about the chances of international travel restarting this summer, Tim Alderslade, Chief Executive of Airlines UK, the industry association representing UK-registered carriers, said:

“It is too early to say what the state of Covid will be in Europe and globally in 10 weeks’ time. Our focus between now and then must be working with Ministers on a framework for travel that is robust and workable, and can stand the test of time as we enter the all-important summer period.

We have always said any reopening must be risk-based, but also led by the overriding assumption that as the vaccine rollout accelerates both here and abroad, a phased easing of restrictions is achievable. We know that universal, restriction-free travel is unlikely from 17 May but under a tiered system, based on risk, international travel can meaningfully restart and build up, with minimal restrictions in time.”


UK airlines welcome Government commitment to Sustainable Aviation Fuels

Responding to the formal launch today by the Government of a new competition backed by £15m of funding to support the development of sustainable aviation fuels, Tim Alderslade, Chief Executive of Airlines UK, the industry association representing UK-registered carriers, said:

“Sustainable aviation fuels are proof today that low emission air travel is possible, and the “Green Fuels, Green Skies” competition is a welcome boost to help deliver the innovative plants that will produce sustainable aviation fuel at scale this decade, fuels which alongside exciting new hydrogen and electric technologies will power UK airlines for decades to come and help deliver the UK aviation industry commitment to net zero carbon. Put simply, without SAF we cannot achieve net zero and this funding support from

UK airlines respond to domestic Air Passenger Duty announcement

Responding to the announcement that the Government will shortly consult on measures to reform domestic Air Passenger Duty, Tim Alderslade, Chief Executive of Airlines UK, the industry association representing UK-registered carriers, said:

“This is really positive news that will help support regional connectivity, level up the UK, and provide a welcome measure of relief to domestic carriers facing an existential threat from the impacts of Covid. It will help to sustain current domestic connections – including into Heathrow, our national hub, as well as all the regions of the UK – which is essential to achieving economic growth and supporting the Government’s Global Britain agenda. We look forward to working further with the Hendy Review and Ministers and would urge as much speed as possible in the consultation process.”

Vacancy: Airlines UK – Public Affairs & Policy Executive / Manager (Depending upon experience)

Airlines UK (AUK) is looking for a motivated and hard-working Public Affairs & Policy Executive / Manager (based on experience) to join its team virtually, and subsequently in London. The successful candidate will assist with policy campaigns and help to formulate AUK policy on behalf of airline members, and work with colleagues in advocating our messaging to stakeholders including Ministers, parliamentarians, regulators and industry bodies, ensuring that their interests are effectively represented and that the voice of AUK is heard in Westminster and the devolved administrations. S/he will report to the Policy & Public Affairs Director.

Job Requirements

  • Exceptional communicator (oral and written) with a proven ability to work independently on policy research and analysis, develop messaging across a range of policy interests, and experience of putting in place advocacy and engagement strategies.
  • A track record of engaging with and working alongside stakeholders on policy, legislation, consultations and research projects.
  • Excellent knowledge of UK Government and parliamentary institutions.
  • Skilled organiser, capable of managing a challenging agenda with competing priorities.
  • At least a basic understanding of the aviation industry and airline sector, in particular.

Job description – the selected candidate will:

  • Work in a small, dynamic and hardworking team virtually, and subsequently in central London.
  • Be uniquely involved with the UK aviation industry and airline sector in particular.
  • Contribute to the visibility and reputation of the airline sector within the UK policy landscape.
  • Help to manage policy campaigns in line with agreed AUK priorities and objectives.
  • Interact closely with the 14 AUK airline members.
  • Help to co-ordinate the work of assigned AUK Policy Working Groups.
  • Develop a personal reputation as a policy expert within aviation, speaking at meetings / roundtables and advocating publicly on behalf of agreed AUK positions. 

Salary: Competitive but based upon experience. 

If you are interested in this position, please apply by sending your CV and covering letter to [email protected].


UK airlines respond to Government announcement on opening up of international travel

Responding to the announcement by the Government on the opening up of international travel later this year, Tim Alderslade, Chief Executive of Airlines UK, the industry association representing UK-registered carriers, said:

“We’re grateful to the Prime Minister and Department for Transport for providing the clarity the whole sector was looking for that international travel can reopen this summer, as soon as it is safe to do so. This will provide much needed reassurance not only to airlines in desperate need of a summer season but families looking to visit friends and family and take a long-awaited holiday, and we know there is enormous pent-up demand for when we can restart operations. We now look forward working with Ministers and as part of the proposed Taskforce on the practical detail of how current restrictions – which are amongst the toughest anywhere in the world – can be removed, and how the sector can be provided with as much advance notice as possible before any restart. As we have always said, this must be risk-based and proportionate but based on the overriding assumption that as the vaccine rollout accelerates a phased easing of restrictions is achievable.”

UK-based airline CEOs unite to call for Government aviation recovery roadmap announcement


  • Aviation must be included in Prime Minister’s 22 February roadmap speech alongside other sectors say CEOs
  • Airlines write to Prime Minister proposing a risk-based approach to reopen travel safely with a progressive removal of restrictions as vaccination levels increase in the UK
  • Sectoral economic support for UK aviation required to bridge to the recovery and stimulate passenger demand when sector returns 

CEOs from leading UK-based airlines, employing tens of thousands of people and connecting passengers to hundreds of destinations within the UK, Europe and across the Atlantic, have united to call for the Prime Minister to ensure an aviation recovery roadmap is announced next week. The roadmap is critical for both airlines and consumers alike to enable them to plan for the summer and is needed to pave the way for the safe reopening of international travel.

The CEOs of British Airways, easyJet,, Loganair, Ryanair, Tui and Virgin Atlantic, have warned that without a clear indication of intent from the Government that aviation will restart in the coming months the UK faces a year of limited connectivity to the rest of the world, and the UK’s economic recovery will be hampered. UK-based airlines have today written to the Prime Minister to propose a framework that would allow for the safe restart of travel as vaccination levels increase in the UK.

This risk-based approach would enable the safe restart of travel, by progressively removing the current layers of restrictions applied to travel destinations, on a tiered basis, in time for the summer. This will allow people to visit their family and friends abroad, re-establish business contacts and go on holiday.

The sector has also called for further sectoral economic support for UK aviation to bridge to the recovery and stimulate and strengthen any recovery when it comes.

  • Tim Alderslade, CEO of Airlines UK, said: “The Prime Minister needs to indicate on the 22nd the intent for international travel to reopen again this summer and provide much-needed reassurance that travel will be possible, helping to restore consumer confidence. We do not expect travel restrictions to be lifted tomorrow – but it is important that the country has a clear view on the plan for international travel as we emerge from lockdown. We expect every other domestic economic sector – from hospitality to retail to leisure – will have a roadmap announced on the 22nd. So must aviation.”
  • Johan Lundgren, CEO of easyJet, said: “We know people are looking for some reassurance about when they will be able to return to some normality. To be able to achieve this we need to know that Government is planning for travel to return when it is safe and stand ready to work with them on a roadmap that could help us reunite people with their loved-ones or enable people to take a much-needed holiday this year.”
  • Steve Heapy, CEO of, said: “Providing a roadmap and the means to restore international travel this summer, is vital not only for the economy, but also to give people the hope of visiting their friends and relatives, as well as looking forward to well-deserved holidays once travel can safely be restored.”
  • Jonathan Hinkles, CEO of Loganair, said: “Restrictions today are so draconian that many UK airports are considering outright closure, which will destroy even the limited connectivity maintained without fail throughout the pandemic for movement of freight and key workers. The loss of more jobs – which we’ve worked so hard to avoid – would be a hammer blow to the industry. The only way to avoid this is to provide a business reason for airports to stay open, and that can only be done by the Government setting out a pathway to re-open travel just as soon as this can safely be achieved.”
  • David Burling, CEO Airline and Markets for TUI Group, said: “We believe there’s a safe way to restart international travel by lifting travel restrictions on a country-by-country basis – ensuring that we continue to protect our health systems and the vaccine, but without imposing unnecessary restrictions. Customers are looking for reassurance about when a holiday abroad may be possible, and it is therefore vital that the Government supports the travel industry by working with us on a pragmatic roadmap on the 22nd February.”
  • Shai Weiss, CEO of Virgin Atlantic, said: “We all know how important it is to protect the achievements gained through lockdown and the amazing vaccine rollout. Indeed, public health and protecting the NHS must come first. However, aviation, and free movement of people and goods, are crucial to the UK’s economic recovery and the emergence of a truly Global Britain as it recovers from the crisis. That’s why it’s important aviation is included in the Prime Minister’s roadmap on Monday.”
  • Sean Doyle, CEO of British Airways, said: “The aviation industry stands with the Government in putting public health at the top of its agenda, but the future of the British economy and the jobs of hundreds of thousands of people are at risk without a sensible and structured plan to safely restart international travel over the coming months. Britons have made enormous personal sacrifices and we hope that the Government will soon provide a plan to allow people to be re-united”.
  • Eddie Wilson, CEO of Ryanair DAC, said: “Vaccinations are the way out of this Covid crisis and to date, the UK’s rollout plan has progressed extremely well, which gives a clear pathway to the lifting of restrictions. Equally, the UK should have a clear set of milestones linked to vaccination levels in other countries, particularly within the EU, to allow inbound tourism to rebound for summer 2021”.

Notes to Editors:

Economic support measures UK airlines are calling for include:

  • 100% furlough support at least until the end of the IATA summer season in October
  • 12-month APD waiver and removal of double taxation anomaly for domestic aviation
  • Regulatory alleviation / support for ongoing cost base separate to furlough
  • If there is no roadmap to recovery for this summer, aviation is going to need a bespoke support package from Government so that we retain a vibrant and competitive UK airline sector

UK airlines & airports respond to latest travel restrictions announcement

Responding to the announcement of further restrictions being put in place for international arrivals into the UK, Karen Dee, Chief Executive of the Airport Operators Association, the trade association for UK airports and Tim Alderslade, Chief Executive of Airlines UK, the industry association representing UK-registered carriers, said:

“Whilst public health must come first, this latest measure means all travellers to the UK will need to take three tests in addition to quarantine. It adds a further barrier to viable air travel and deepens the worsening 2021 outlook for our sector, which has already been largely grounded for a year.  

“A two-week review clause is essential to ensure that the current complex, blanket set of measures are rolled-back as soon as it is safe to do so. International travel must also be part of the Prime Minister’s forthcoming roadmap out of lockdown, including transparent and risk-based health criteria for the lifting of travel restrictions.

“In the meantime, airports and airlines are battling to survive with almost zero revenue and a huge cost base, and practically every week a further blow lands. Aviation-specific financial support is urgently needed to ensure our sector can get through the year. UK aviation can be the conduit to the Government’s Global Britain and levelling-up agendas but only if we have viable and competitive sector still standing come the end of the pandemic.”   


Airline CEO letter to the Prime Minister calling on urgent extra support and roadmap out of crisis

UK airline CEOs and tourism leaders have written to the Prime Minister calling for urgency support to aid the sector through the Covid-19 crisis, and roadmap towards lifting restrictions when safe to do so.

UK airlines & airports respond to hotel quarantine speculation

Responding to speculation about further restrictions being put in place for international arrivals into the UK, Karen Dee, Chief Executive of the Airport Operators Association, the trade association for UK airports and Tim Alderslade, Chief Executive of Airlines UK, the industry association representing UK-registered carriers, said:

“Less than two weeks ago the UK introduced some of the highest levels of restrictions in the world. Flights today are already banned from countries with high infection rates. Pre-departure controls mean anyone arriving in the UK has already tested negative. There is further quarantine upon arrival and the option of a second test. 

“We have fully supported the Government to do what is right in the face of this pandemic, but policy should be based on evidence and there must be a roadmap out of these restrictions as soon as it is safe.

“The impact of further measures would be catastrophic. They will impact vital freight and PPE supplies and jeopardise tens of thousands of jobs and the many businesses that depend on aviation. The Government cannot achieve its Global Britain aspirations without airlines and airports. The Chancellor recognised the need for support given the pandemic’s impact on aviation in March 2020. The time has now come for warm words to be turned into a bespoke support package that can get us through this prolonged crisis.”